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Best Paintbrush For Easy Cutting In - The Daily DIY

Best Paintbrush For Easy Cutting In

When painting around the trim, windows and doors it’s important to have a paintbrush that is precise. Not to mention easy to control. I recently decided to try a few different paintbrushes to see if I could find one that made cutting in easier. First, I read tons of reviews and selected three to try out. My home office was ready for a fresh coat of paint, so this was a perfect time to test these out. Out of the three, there was one that was a clear winner above all the others I tried. I’ll share that with you below. It definitely deserves the title of “Best Paintbrush For Cutting In”. I must also mention that this brush is best for painting the actual trim and moulding too!

What Is “Cutting In”

In painting, the term “cutting in” refers to the technique used to paint along the edges of the walls where the ceiling meets. And also along windows, doors, trim, baseboards, and adjacent walls. As long as you have a steady hand, some patience, and a good angled brush, then you can use this technique.

Why Cut In

Cutting in along the edges and trim allows you to save time and materials by not having to tape anything off. Also, since the tape can leave rough edges when you remove it, cutting in allows for a cleaner edge.

Best Paintbrush For Painting Trim - The Daily DIY

How To Cut In

To begin, use a smaller container, like a paint cup with a handle. Pour in about an inch or less of paint. Then dip the brush in to the paint and wipe the bristles off along the edge of the paint cup to remove the excess.

Next, grip the paint brush like you would a pencil and make a line of paint on the wall about an inch or two away from your edge. This helps to remove more excess paint from the brush. Take the brush and fan the bristles out near the edge. Make your way towards the edge with the fan of the bristles pushing the paint towards the edge and drag it along.

Keep a wet painter’s rag handy. If you get any paint on to the ceiling or trim that doesn’t belong there, the wet rag can immediately wipe it away.

Oldfields Paint Brush for Cutting In and Moulding - The Daily DIY

The Best Paint Brush For Cutting In

Now on to the good part, the best brush for easy cutting in. I’ve been painting rooms in my houses for a couple of decades now. Been through a lot of paintbrushes. This is by far the best one I’ve used to date. As long as you clean it immediately after use and take care of it, there is no reason this brush shouldn’t last you for many, many years. Speaking of cleaning, it was very easy to do using a mild soap and water.

The Oldfields Oval Sash Cutter Brush 63MM is now my new favorite brush. Not only for cutting in next to the trim, but also to paint the trim. It glides along the trim and baseboards with ease. This particular brush is good for all paint types.

The oval design of the bristles allowed for more paint so I didn’t have to dip it in my paint cup as often. And, the bristles themselves were soft, yet firm. Not only did they fan out perfectly, but also wide. I also appreciated the longer handle, as it allows for greater control of the brush.

Turns out there is an entire line of Oldfields brushes available on Amazon. I’ll definitely be trying more out from this brand since they make the best one for cutting in!

Now that you have the perfect brush for your next paint project, check out 7 Exciting Wall Paint Colors for 2022 for some great color inspiration for your next project.

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