Easy DIY Christmas Garland You Can Make Tonight
I don’t know about you, but the cooler weather has me thinking ahead for the Holidays! Who doesn’t love the magic of the season with the beautiful lights? If you’re looking for some great Holiday decorations that you can make yourself, then here is an easy DIY Christmas garland project. You can customize it to fit any doorway, column, window, or anywhere you want to add some Christmas cheer.
Materials & Tools Needed
- Plastic Ornaments
- Christmas Light Sets
- Garland
- PVC Pipe
- Pipe Cleaners
- Zip Ties
- Drill
- Glue Gun and Glue Sticks
- Hack Saw
Step 1
First, measure the space you want to make the garland for.

Step 2
Next, cut your PVC pipe to fit. In the example pictured the column we are using was 8 feet tall, so we cut 1″ PVC pipe to 8 feet in length. You can use a hacksaw to cut the pipe, or your home improvement store may cut it for you.
Step 3
Drill holes in to the PVC pole about every 6 inches. Be sure to drill them all the way through to the other side. The holes only have to be big enough for the zip ties to fit through.

Step 4
Measure and cut the garland the same length as the PVC pole. If using thinner garland, you can double it up.
Step 5
Insert zip ties in to all the holes.

Step 6
Attach the garland and lights to the pole using the zip ties.
Step 7
Using your hot glue gun, glue the tops on to the plastic ornaments. This gives them extra strength to stand up to the wind.

Step 8
Cluster a few of your ornaments of different colors and sizes together using the pipe cleaners.
Step 9
Finally, attach the ornament clusters to the PVC pole. Of course you can put on as many as you want.
Then, once your garland pole is finished attach it to wherever you want using zip ties.
And that’s all there is to it. I told you it was an easy DIY Christmas garland project you could do tonight. The best part is after the season is over you can put the entire pole away for use again next year. Enjoy this for many years to come. Add this garland to your DIY light up snowflakes for some beautiful Holiday decorations.