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Benefits of Bird Feeders - The Daily DIY

Benefits Of Attracting Birds To Your Yard

Birds bring a lot of joy to us. They sing beautifully and are a source of entertainment. If you have ever watched birds flying in the sky, they can be really breathtaking to watch. But there are many more benefits of attracting birds to your yard or garden. Let’s explore the how, and the why.

Why Attract Birds

Birds are beautiful creatures. If you sit back and just listen to them, they sound like music to your ears. While they’re beautiful, they also serve a purpose. For example, by eating other bugs, helping your flowers to grow, and more. Here are several ways birds can be beneficial to your outdoor oasis.

Pest Control

In addition to nuts and seeds, many birds love to feast on mosquitoes, flies, moths, beetles, and more. By promoting a healthy bird population in your backyard, you could cut down, or even eliminate the need for chemical pest control.


Did you know that orioles and hummingbirds love to sip on nectar? Not only from the feeders you may have out, but from your flowers too. These, and other birds can help carry pollen from one plant to another. This helps your flowers to grow bigger and more beautiful. Set out special feeders to attract hummingbirds, and especially orioles to your garden.

Stress Relief

Get outside to breathe in the fresh air, take in some Vitamin D, and enjoy the songs and sights of the birds. In a study published by the University Of Exeter, the lead author, Dr. Daniel Cox, stated, “Birds around the home, and nature in general, show great promise in preventative health care, making cities healthier, happier places to live”.

Weed Control

Some birds love to eat weed seeds, like finches and sparrows. They’ll eat the weed seeds to prevent them from spreading throughout your lawn.

Connect To Nature

Not only is it important for you to connect with nature, but this is something that lets you get the kids involved too. From planting a landscape attractive to wild birds, to filling up the feeders, people of all ages can enjoy preparing for the birds to arrive. Then, when they do come, spend some time outdoors enjoying them. Go on sight seeing walks through nature or relax in a hammock while listening for their songs.

How To Attract Birds

While many species of birds fly south for the winter, there are some that stay year round in cooler climates. Let’s explore the many ways you can attract birds to your yard all year long.

Benefits of Attracting Birds To Your Yard - The Daily DIY


Providing food is the easiest and most important thing you can do to make your yard more appealing to birds. Since they spend 6-8 hours per day foraging for food, even more so in the winter. Putting feeders out will give them some help. Remember to keep the feeders full in the cold months too. Plus, feeders make for easy and great bird watching. You can even make homemade suet cakes that the birds love!

Plants / Flowers

Trees and shrubs are great for nesting. Evergreens are especially helpful to them in winter. Also, plant a variety of flowers in your landscape that are native to your area.


Yes, birds need a lot of water. Not only for bathing and cooling off, but for drinking too. Water feeders and bird baths are perfect.


Provide bird houses, nesting boxes, and even keep dead trees around for them to seek shelter in. This also encourages them to nest.

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