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Split Lilies Easy - The Daily DIY

How and When To Divide Daylilies

Dividing and transplanting daylilies is a simple process. Doing so will give you bigger, healthier plants. It also allows you to split them so you can spread them to other areas of your landscape. And of course share them with friends, neighbors, or family. Daylilies are my favorites as they are so easy to care for. Read on to find how and when to divide your daylilies.

Why Divide Them

Splitting them helps the plants to grow vigorously. Which will produce more flowers, and prevent overcrowding. They can get out of control and begin to shoot up outside of your controlled landscape area if left alone.

When To Divide Them

Divide them every 3-4 years. It’s best to do it in early Spring when they are beginning to reemerge from winter dormancy. This makes it much easier to do since the plant isn’t full yet. If you missed the Spring, don’t worry, you can still do them in the Summer and Fall.

How To Divide Them

It helps if you water them the day before you will be digging them up.

How and When To Divide Daylilies - The Daily DIY

Step 1

First, dig up the clump of lilies with a shovel. Make sure to dig a few inches larger than the cluster.

Step 2

Next, take a perforated garden knife and cut them down the middle. Saw through them, much like you’re cutting through a loaf of bread. For larger clumps you can cut each half again, and again, and so on until you get them to the size you prefer. Don’t worry that you are hurting the plants, roots, or the bulbs when you are slicing through them. They are very hearty plants that can take a beating and keep on growing.

How and When To Divide Daylilies - The Daily DIY

Step 3

Now you’ll place one of the clumps back in to the same hole. It most likely won’t be a rounded clump after you’ve cut the original. The plant will round itself back out on it’s own as it grows. Take the other clumps that you cut and place them in new spots, or give them away to friends. Sprinkle in a little Milorganite at the base for the roots. It’s a cheap, easy fertilizer that the daylily plants seem to enjoy.

Divide Lilies In Spring - The Daily DIY

Step 4

Fill the hole up with dirt an give them a drink. Water them once daily for a few days.

And that’s all there is to it! As can be seen here, it’s very easy to divide and transplant your daylilies. You can also divide Hosta plants the exact same way. Both types of plants are great for your landscape. Especially if you have large areas you need to fill up and don’t want to spend a lot of time caring for them. All you have to do is deadhead the lily flowers when they begin to die off. And also remove any dead leaves (blades) a few times a season. They’ll grow lush and produce flowers for you all season long.

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