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5 Reasons It Might Be Time To Replace Your Windows - The Daily DIY

5 Signs It’s Time For New Windows

You might be surprised to learn that its time for new windows. They may not be operating as well as they should. Old or damaged windows are costing you money since they are not as efficient as they could be. Even if your windows are not that old, like mine were, they still could be causing problems. You may want to replace your windows if you see any of these 5 signs.

1. They’re hard to open, or no longer stay up

This happens when the balancer, or balance shoe, is broken, stuck, or disconnected. It could also indicate a problem with the spring.

2. Drafty rooms

When the window seal fails, the air from inside your home can escape to the outside. In addition, the air from the outside can pass through to the inside. You may notice cold drafts coming from your windows in the winter, and warm air in the summer. You shouldn’t feel a breeze coming from your window when you place your hand up to it.

5 Signs Its Time For New Windows - The Daily DIY

3. “Dirty” windows you just can’t get clean

If your windows appear “cloudy”, or “dirty” and you just can’t seem to get them clean, it could mean the insulation is compromised. This happens when the seal fails which allows air and moisture to get in between the panes of glass. Your windows are now defective and are no longer efficient.

4. Your energy costs are through the roof

When your windows begin to fail, they let the comfortable, temperature controlled air inside your home escape to the outside. This makes your HVAC system work harder to try and keep your home cool or warm. When your HVAC works more, your energy bills increase.

5. Broken pieces or frames

When pieces start to break off, the windows become less efficient, and could lose their air tight seal.

You’ve invested in your home and it’s an important part of your life. Naturally, you want to make sure you’re making the right decisions when it comes to replacing your windows. If you’re experiencing any of these five issues, you might want to consider window replacement.

Replacement Windows - The Daily DIY

I had all five of these reasons above on my 17 year old home. I replaced my windows with Universal Windows Direct last month and couldn’t be happier. We chose them because they have custom made windows for an exact fit, and provide a complete lifetime warranty. We’re already noticing the temperature in our home is even now, and our view is crystal clear. And the best part is that I can finally open my windows, and they stay open!

You can get a free quote too from Universal Windows Direct.

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