Split Lilies Easy - The Daily DIY

How to Divide Daylilies: A Simple Guide to Bigger, Healthier Plants

Dividing and transplanting daylilies is a straightforward process that will reward you with bigger, healthier plants while also helping you manage their growth. Whether you want to spread these stunning perennials to other areas of your garden or share them with family and friends, dividing daylilies is a practical and enjoyable gardening task. Read on…

Budget Bath Renovation - The Daily DIY

Low Cost Bathroom Remodel: Transform Your Half Bath on a Budget

When it comes to home improvements, a low cost bathroom remodel can have a significant impact without breaking the bank. I was faced with the challenge of updating a half bath on a tight budget, but with a little creativity and some strategic shopping, I was able to give this space a fresh, updated look…

Appliance Extended Warranty For Free

Appliance Extended Warranty: How to Get Free Protection for Your Major Appliances

Is it time to replace your washer, refrigerator, or another major appliance? How about electronics? Most manufacturers offer a one-year warranty on new appliances and electronics, but did you know there are ways to get an appliance extended warranty at no extra cost to you? Let’s explore how you can maximize your coverage for kitchen…

Should You Seed Your Grass In Winter - The Daily DIY

Grass Seed in Winter: How and Why to Plant During the Cold Season

You might be wondering, why would anyone plant grass seed in winter? Wouldn’t it make more sense to wait for spring? Surprisingly, planting grass seed in winter, a process often called dormant seeding, can set your lawn up for success when the warmer weather arrives. If you missed the opportunity to sow seed in the fall,…

Ultimate home maintenance checklist

The Ultimate Home Maintenance Checklist

Your home is likely your biggest asset.  Maintaining it not only protects your investment, but avoids major issues down the road.  Issues that could lead to costly repairs.    But what does maintenance on a house consist of?  How often should you do it?  What are the costs?  And is home maintenance important?  Let’s take…

A Bag of ice melt and a bucket of salt to prepare for winter - The Daily DIY

Winter Home Maintenance Checklist: 11 Things to Do Now

As winter approaches, it’s crucial to prepare for the season’s unique challenges, especially if you live in cooler climates. With potential snow, ice, and shorter days on the horizon, getting your home ready is a proactive step toward a safer and more comfortable winter. This winter home maintenance checklist will guide you through 11 essential…

fill cracks in concrete driveway
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How To Fill Cracks In Concrete

Repairing cracks in concrete is important to maintain the integrity of your surfaces. By using the appropriate caulk for concrete, you can effectively fill and seal these imperfections. This guide will walk you through the steps to fill cracks in concrete, ensuring a durable and long-lasting solution for your driveways and walkways Concrete is the…

house cleaning tips

How to Clean Your House Fast: 5 Easy House Cleaning Tips

Do you often find your entire day off consumed by cleaning, or perhaps you spend several evenings each week tackling chores, only to end up feeling exhausted? A recent study by Arm & Hammer Clean & Simple reveals that the average American dedicates about 23 hours and 36 minutes each month to cleaning their home….